What a wonderful article! These commentators actually look at data and their conclusions are based on the data, not some fanciful wish. Democrats had better wake up, abandon the unicorn-like wishes of the Sandernistas, base their campaign on facts and data, before they walk into a political mousetrap and suffer a massive loss in November which may turn out to be permanent.
Jethro, Moses’ father-in-law, describes the qualities of good leaders that Moses should choose for the Israelites. The Torah teaches that leaders must share the common vision of the People, the moral principles upon which the vision stands and, just as important, are skilled, effective and dedicated to the practical implementation of both. The point made in this article is that Americans vote for reasons that are not congruent with the qualities of leadership. Those who aspire to lead and do not understand this will fail. Sadly, Republicans seem to understand this better than Democrats, and this helps to explain their success in recent elections. —Rabbi Kerry Baker
Read referenced article: http://www.nytimes.com/2016/05/23/opinion/campaign-stops/do-sanders-supporters-favor-his-policies.html?mwrsm=Facebook